The Frequency of Eating Disorder Recovery

The process of recovery is allowing the eating disorder to let go of you. It is about getting to a place within you where there is no place for the eating disorder to hold onto anymore.




With nothing to grip onto, the eating disorder eventually releases itself.

This work of recovery is not about needing to let go of the eating disorder or trying to push it away.

Rather, it is an expansive and additive process where you add to your toolbelt, increasing resources, support, capacity, perspective, and awareness.

Recovery is not a restrictive process.

Recovery asks us to expand what we believe, think, and feel. It's the path of moving past our edge. It is the path of embodied awakening.

Eating disorder recovery is about reaching a place in yourself that is more aligned with a deeper truth.

By living that authentic truth, free from the conditioned layers and the heavy illusions, the eating disorder has nothing to grip onto and naturally dissolves.

This takes leaning into the unknown, facing change, practicing the unfamiliar, and sitting in that that limbo space.

Through observing, unlearning, discerning, and clarifying what is the voice of the eating disorder and what is your voice, you land in knowing you are, what you care about and value, and trust in you core self.

This place within you vibrates at a frequency that is higher and beyond that of the eating disorder. There is an inevitable natural maturation of out the eating disorder whereby it lets go of you.

You don't force it away, push it aside, or shout at it to leave.

There is an inevitable natural maturation of out the eating disorder whereby it lets go of you.

When we clearly remember the truth of our being and make the courageous choices and actions that align with that, what no longer serves can release itself from us with grace.

What is alive in your heart is worthy to be embodied and to be integrated.

Remember, recovery is a very deep unlearning and unraveling of what we have held onto (for some of us, for many, many generations) for a sense of protection, stability, control, and emotional management.

If you are reading this, I bet you have navigated your fair share of messy, challenging, and uncomfortable moments ~

~ and that you know in your heart that this wild process is bringing you closer to your aligned expression.

Recovery asks us to face our fears and hesitations, and to choose what our soul needs in order to thrive, so that we land home within ourselves.

This is about fine tuning our inner compass.

In truth.

In what matters.

In aliveness and attunement.

Integrated, proud, free, and whole.

Trusting in the undeniable core of ourselves.

Thank you for choosing to walk this path.

Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash