Psychedelics Help Us Envision And Embody A Life Free From The Eating Disorder

We often approach plant medicine because we want to heal something. Often times, we recognise that something feels out of balance or stuck, and we need a fresh perspective.




With the support of psychedelics, we can Expand our vision to imagine and embody a life that is free from the eating disorder.

For people with eating disorders, it can sometimes feel like there is not out. The repetitive eating disorder voice, rigid rituals, and restrictions placed around food, pleasure, and connection means that many people feel stuck and scared to make change.

When people work with plant medicine, the business-as-usual perspectives and lenses dissolve, and this creates space for new associations, connections and possibilities to arise.

Seeing the world and oneself with a new lens is incredibly refreshing. The eating disorder voice quietens down, and the rules and restrictions are reevaluated.

As the eating disorder sits in the backseat, the authentic self can take the driver's seat.

With the authentic self guiding the way, we point our inner compass towards the things we value and care about.

No longer being dragged by the eating disorder's wants, needs and priorities, the authentic self centers and aligns us with the deeper truths of our heart's longing.

We start to think bigger and have the capacity to envision a life without the eating disorder. We embody the state of freedom, compassion, acceptance, and peace with our bodies.

Plant medicines show us how to think and feel bigger.

Moving from narrow focus to a wider, open focus, we have the space (and the knowing of what we deserve) to creatively dream into being a life that is aligned with the deeper truths and values (that are often shrouded by the eating disorder).

It is important to note that these experiences are expansive by nature. The part of the brain that controls how much we feel and take in in our everyday life becomes a lot looser.

This means that we experience sensations and feelings that are often bigger, fuller, or more expansive than what we experience in daily life.

Additionally, the part of the brain that is involved with strategizing and analyzing quietens down, creating more space for the body and its sensations to be felt more acutely.

As such, it is important for people who want to explore plant medicine to support their eating disorder recovery, the first step is to practice ways of connecting with the body.

The more we can practice listening, attuning, and hearing the body (aka develop our interoceptive awareness), the more we drop out of the (often overthinking) mind and into the feeling body.

Why is this important within the context of plant medicine?

For people with eating disorders, we are often disconnected from the body, living from the neck up. The sensations in the body are either hard to reach or the sensations are right in our face.

Connecting to the body often brings up fear, shame, resistance, apathy or doubt for people who have learnt to disconnect from it.

If we are unable to accurately perceive what is going on inside, it is hard to establish an authentic sense of self. It is also challenging to make wise decisions and take aligned actions.

When we can practice and refine our interoceptive awareness, we make contact with the vast body of knowledge that we inhabit.

It is this wisdom that plant medicine speak to directly.

The more accurately we can observe our interoception during our preparation phase before the journey itself, the more we practice stepping out the way, giving the analyzing and interpreting parts a break, and give permission to the body to express.

And we have to learn how to trust the body's way of communicating. In a world that champions cognition, we have forgotten the body's wisdom that comes through via the senses, felt sense and movement.

Plant medicine teaches us how to turn within, and how to focus on the inner cues rather than the external rules and conditionings.

By listening without judgement and slowing down enough to hear its subtle shares, we give the body space to speak. This also gives the body a chance to digest any feelings that have been stuck over our lifetime(s). As we digest these feelings from the past and land more fully in the present.

It is from this place that we connect to our body in the fullness of the present moment.

The innate intelligence of the body meets the innate intelligence of the medicine, supporting us in making choices grounded in our centered alignment.

Plant medicines don't cure eating disorders. With a wider lens of perception, our ability to expand beyond what we thought was possible grows. Psychedelics help us imagine and teach us how to embody our authentic, aligned expression.

When we reside in this frequency, the eating disorder naturally let’s go of us.